Hunger Marine Products

Hunger – a company with experience – specializing in the manufacture of expanding reamers and engine service equipment for many years – and with the most comprehensive range of expanding reamers and tools and machines for servicing valves, valve seats, cylinder heads and engine blocks.

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Product range

Refacing both valves and valve seats with one portable refacer

Refacing both valves and valve seats with one portable refacer

Refacing valves

Refacing valves

Refacing valve seats

Refacing valve seats

Refacing valve cages

Refacing valve cages

Counterboring seat ring bores

Counterboring seat ring bores

Refacing circular landing surfaces

Refacing circular landing surfaces

Counterboring cylinder bores

Counterboring cylinder bores

Honing cylinder liners

Honing cylinder liners

Testing injector nozzles

Testing injector nozzles

High pressure power packs

High pressure power packs